
Saturday, January 26, 2019

A feeling called "LOVE"

True love is not what it seems and not what I have seen from other peoples' perception. You could never understand it until you experience it.

When you wait for something for long, no matter what it is, it could be a one rupee coin, or something which does not have any pecuniary value.

 It could be any abstract feeling. If you have never been loved or understood in your life then there is no one in this world better in understanding the importance of love and the importance of getting understood.

 If you are born poor and saw your parents doing hard work and climbing the steps of success one by one then there is no one in this world better than you in understanding the value of hard earned money.

 If your mother has taught you discipline by hitting or any other means( in India a broom stick is the main weapon of all moms) then there is no one in this world better than you who knows how to respect a woman.

 In love opposites attracts but not only in gender wise but in personality wise as well. A happy couple is always opposite in personality. It is like a single soul divided in heaven so that they can later meet on earth and be complete.
                                                  In Hindu mythology we have SHIVA and SHAKTI or you can say ardhangi of SHIVA( In western culture they call wife or better half). SHIVA is the seed and SHAKTI is the bearer(it includes our mother earth).

 You cannot bring new life either without seed or without the bearer. According to the mythology SHIVA and SHAKTI were one only but in order to bring life in the universe they broke into two to give energy force to sustain life. It is some what same as the atoms when we break them it releases enormous amount of energy.
                                                                               Believe me when you will find that other part of your soul you will just feel it deep in your heart.

You will not know her name, you will not know her face, you you will even not know about her family or which part of the world she comes from, but that one touch will work like a medicine for your soul.

When you will find her you will realize that all those years of pain which you have gone through in your life is worth it.

You will become each-others weaknesses and strength. You will grow old together with hand in hand, see each-others wrinkles for the first time and men would probably loose all their hair and become bald.

You will even die in each-others arms and the soul will break again into two to wonder in the universe so that they can start the journey called life and become one, yet again in next life.

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